Check out Global Healthcare Now and Medical Tourism Connection for savings of 22% to 88%. Request contact and details here. The healthcare crisis has been years in the making and is going from bad to worse with Obamacare. We offer people significant savings on healthcare costs of all kinds locally and worldwide through our medical tourism connection.
As you probably know, many people (myself included) are unable to afford health insurance and the costs will only go up as Obamacare is put into place. I am representing a membership savings club (that's similar to a Sam's Club or Costo) for medical and healthcare expenses of all kinds.
GHCNOW provides services in America and access to healthcare providers in over sixty countries worldwide. Our "medical tourism" services allow travel outside the US for all kinds of treatments and procedures at much lower costs -- things like dental, lasik surgery, joint replacement etc.
As you probably know, many people (myself included) are unable to afford health insurance and the costs will only go up as Obamacare is put into place. I am representing a membership savings club (that's similar to a Sam's Club or Costo) for medical and healthcare expenses of all kinds.
GHCNOW provides services in America and access to healthcare providers in over sixty countries worldwide. Our "medical tourism" services allow travel outside the US for all kinds of treatments and procedures at much lower costs -- things like dental, lasik surgery, joint replacement etc.
As a member you can request help prior to any healthcare appointment and get a "second opinion" on prices before you go. Services include medical bill review and negotiation on your behalf AFTER you've received treatment, potentially saving you hundreds on dollars and lots of time. Our programs provide many benefits for people with health insurance and can be a big help to the uninsured.
Details are available at my official GHCNOW site and you'll find additional videos HERE.